Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Re: Wednesdays in October

What a day! It feels like my work is never done. Last night, I received a letter in the mail saying that my ex failed to report some earnings to the IRS - from 2004. What does that mean to me? Responsibility! I am responsible, not only because we were still married but also because I was the one who had enough guts to call the IRS.

I called his cell phone today - no answer, but I left a voice message. I called his work number - disconnected. I looked up his phone number on and called it - guess what? disconnected!

Am I discouraged? No. I'm working on a resolution.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Re: I'm Angry

Sometimes I feel like my head could explode. I have no idea how to release the anger that I feel. I just want to let it go, but I don't know how. Here's my story. I have three children. I was divorced in 1999 and all three have been living with me. I can tell you one thing for certain, the court that I've dealt with is biased toward the ex-husband.

I have been taken to court by my ex for everything under the sun, only to fail, but in the meantime, I have lost vacation time, have experienced a tremendous amount of stress, and on top of everything, my kids have suffered, and still, my ex has not paid the medical bills that he owes. What are my options you ask? Here they are: take it, over and over and over again. Why? Because otherwise I have to lose more vacation days; I have to travel 3.5 hours to go to court each time; and, I get to feel demeaned over and over again.

I am quite sure that there are others who have gone through, or are in the middle of what I have been through. It's really sad, and unless I have tons of money to throw to a lawyer, I'm screwed. Where is my protection? Who is going to stand up for me? Where do I find satisfaction?

If you feel like venting to me, I will share your pain.
